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User rights

Generally the user who created a new project automatically has full access to it. It's important to note that this level of access is tied to the user group the user belongs to in his/her SiteRemote Team. This means that other users in the same user group automatically also have full access to the newly created project. Full access allows users to open the project, edit any element, properties, and settings, publish the project to client machines, and delete the project. Users with full access have the option to grant access to edit specific selected elements and properties to users of different user groups. Restricted users can also be allowed to change the machines the project is published to via a separate option. It is possible for users with full access to transfer full access to a different user group. Please note that this can lead to a situation where the creator of a project no longer has full access to their project, because they are not a member of the user group that full access rights have been transferred to.

Please note:
For the proper use of SiteCaster's user rights management system, users need to be assigned to user groups in SiteRemote. Managing users and user groups is covered in the section SiteCaster and SiteRemote.

1. Giving restricted users access to a project

1.1 Options when creating a new project

The Create project page allows you to select in the option User rights a user group that will be given full access to the project after it has been created. All users of the selected user group can open the project and edit all its elements and settings. You can also enable the Enable restricted editing of properties for additional users option that allows users with full access to grant restricted users the ability to edit specific selected elements and settings.

1.2 Enabling access for restricted users via the project settings

You can enable restricted user access to your project after it has been created by using the Menu bar to navigate to the Settings -> Project settings -> Additional user rights tab. There you can then activate the Enable restricted editing of properties for additional users option. With this option active, users with full access to the project will see a new User rights setting in elements' properties dialog. This setting allows you to grant restricted users the ability to modify properties of your choice. Use the Users in this group can change enabled properties drop-down menu to select the user group you want to give editing permissions to the selected element/property. Once you have activated restricted editing permissions for the element and selected a user group, an Enable for restricted users checkbox will appear below the properties. Use these checkboxes the specify which properties the restricted users should be able to edit. By granting editing permissions to certain users on an per-element level you can ensure that users who are tasked with keeping content up to date do not accidentally (or purposefully) change the layout/design of your project, remove elements, etc. It is possible to assign restricted access to specific elements to different user groups, so you can set up a detailed permission system that reflects your users' areas of expertise and responsibility.

Please note:
For the "User rights" option to show up in elements' properties dialog, you first need to activate the "Enable restricted editing of properties for additional users" setting in the Project settings. The "User rights" option is only visible to users will full access

1.3 Enabling restricted users to create elements

After activating the Enable restricted editing of properties for additional users option in the project settings, container elements (Container, Overflow container, and Sequence) have an additional option for the User rights property in their respective Editor settings tab: Users in this group can insert new elements that are based on templates for this container. By activating this option and selecting a user group, users from that group can add new elements to that container element.

By default, restricted users can only add new elements based on Element templates that a user with full access has created for this specific container element. 

You can however allow restricted users to also add standard elements (Text, Image, Video, etc.) to the container by activating the Allow these users to add standard elements, page templates, and clipboard elements option. 

Please note:
Only elements created by a restricted user can be deleted by that user (and all users in the same user group). Elements created by users with full access cannot be deleted by restricted users.

1.4 Allowing restricted users assign client machines for the project to be published to

To allow restricted users to change the machine assignment (for publishing the project), open the project in the Editor, via the Menu bar navigate to Settings -> Project settings -> Additional user rights, and ensure that both checkboxes for Enable restricted editing of properties for additional users and Restricted users can change machine assignments are active.

Please note:
In order for machines to show up for a user on the Publish page, the user (or his user group) needs permissions for "Show machines - Show all" in SiteRemote. Additionally the user must have access to the machine folder(s). Please see the chapter SiteCaster and SiteRemote for more detailed information.

1.5 Transferring full access to a project to a different user group

To assign full access to the project to a different user group, open the project in the Editor and via the Menu bar  navigate to Settings  -> Project settings  -> User rights. There you can select the group you would like to transfer full access to from the Users in this group have full access to the project drop-down menu and confirm your selection by pressing the Save button. 

Please note:
Please note that the "Users in this group have full access to the project" drop-down menu will only list user groups that the currently logged in user has herself been assigned to in SiteRemote.

1.6 Deny restricted users the ability to create or copy projects

How to create a user group that is not allowed to create or copy projects is described in the chapter SiteCaster and SiteRemote. 

See also

Scope of your license(s)
PROVISIO contact information
System requirements
Starting the SiteCaster Editor
Creating a new project
Project page (Content view, Inspector)
Menu bar and toolbar
Inspector (Overview)
Inspector (Media library)
Adding, selecting and editing elements
Adjusting the size of elements
Positioning elements
Page templates
Element templates
Standard elements
User settings
SiteCaster and SiteRemote
Key combinations
About us

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